lördag 30 oktober 2010

Comenius, Berga and Västervik

It has been a great time here in Berga. It has been very fun and exiting. I have inproved my English and my Spanish. It was a great experience to see how it was in Berga and live with another family. It was fun to meet so mutch new people. When the Spanish students where in Västervik it was very fun too. It was exiting to have a Spanish student at home. I think that the Catalans liked Sweden very mutch. We had good activities, we went to Hasselö, they visited Kalmar, they went to Stockholm, and we always had some fun activities to do in the freetime. Comenius is a good opertunity to see the world and make new friends. It´s fun to meet people from another country and share their traditions and experiences. In Berga it was fun activities. We went up the mountain, maked Catalan candy, visited Barcelona, went to Port Aventura and mutch more. The best activity was when we went to Barcelona. It was a very beutiful city and the beach was awsome. Me and some other Swedish students took a swim and relaxed in the sun. I think that this Comenius prodject went very good. We had a good time in both Berga and Västervik. It is a prodject I hope lives on with or without Gunilla.

Thank you Oscar and Gunilla for a good trip to Berga

lördag 23 oktober 2010


Today we went to Barcelona. It's a very beutiful city. In Barcelona we visit Camp Nou, the football arena. It was wery cool. We looked in the museum of FC Barcelona. They are very good and they have a lot of trophys. After Camp Nou we went to Sagrada Familia. It was a very beutiful church in Barcelona. We didn't go inside but we took some good pictures outside. After that it was sraight to the beach. Some people took a swim and some didn't. We ate our sandwiches on the beach. Then we went in to the middle of Barcelona. There we went shopping and eating. 6 o'clock we met everybody at the buss and we went home together. It was a very good day in Barcelona. In the night we went to a restaurant and ate som very good food. We look forward to tomorrow.

Joan Salas y Levi Rollsjö Lindroos

måndag 14 juni 2010

Monday 14 Juni

Hoy hemos ido a Hasselö y hemos caminado mucho en la zona.Primero nos han llevado en tractores a Sladö,y allí hemos jugado a un típico juego de Sweden,se llama "Navidad Irlandesa".
Hemos llegado a Västervik a las 4 y hemos ido a jugar un partido de futbol. Los catalanes han ganado.

tisdag 2 februari 2010

La Navidad se celebra el 24 de diciembre. Reúne a la familia y cenan juntos. En Navidad, hay albóndigas, mini salchichas, la tentación de agricultores Jansson, pan de navidad, el jamón y el arenque, entre muchos otros. Se acostumbra a beber Julmust si son niños y los adultos beben cerveza y aguardiente. Se tienen los paquetes debajo de un abeto que está adornado con luces y bolas de navidad, escarcha, entre otras cosas. Todos los paquetes se reparten entre ellos mismos. Un hombre conocido se disfraza como Papá Noel y distribuye todos los paquetes a sus amigos y familiares. A las tres de la tarde acostumbra uno a ver a Pato Donald. Se han adornado la casa con velas y cosas de Navidad.

Julen firas december 24.Då samlas familjen och äter middag. På julbordet, finns det köttbullar, prinskorv, Jansson frestelse, julbröd, julskinka och sill, bland annat. Det är vanligt att dricka Julmust om man är barn och de vuxna dricker öl och snaps. Man har alla paketen under en gran som man har pyntat med ljus, julgranskulor, glitter, bland annat. Alla har paket till varandra. En man som kallas jultomten kommer och delar ut alla paket till vänner och familj. Klockan tre på eftermiddagen ser vissa Kalle Anka. På julen har man dekorerat huset med ljus och jul saker.